Any demos are welcome as long as they match our label style.
Do not send the files directly to our e-mail address! Upload the files somewhere (i.e. Wetransfer, Soudcloud private link or Sendspace) and forward us the links to:
demo[at]frolerecords[dot]com (we advice you to make a one compressed file)
Tracks must be finished (not umixed or unfinished or preview/cuts).
Do not upload your track to your MySpace or Soundcloud (we accept only private links).
Tracks must be exclusive and not online for several months!
Include a short (or large) biography or a press kit if you have one. We would like to know who we deal with.
All demos shall be at least 320 kbps of quality.
We attentively listen to every demo we got but we cannot unfortunately answer to everyone, very sorry!
We contact you in case of our interest.
Thank you,
Frole Records